Good luck to all those Sunday Stars who are running either the Two Oceans Ultra or the Half Marathon! Enjoy the run!
On Easter Monday we will be doing the Sunday Stars Green Belts Run leaving VOB at 7.00 am.
We go down to the Alphen Trail and follow it up to Brommersvlei (1st coke stop), then up the Diep River Trail to Southern Cross Drive, (2nd Coke stop), then up and over Rhodes Drive, find a couple of friends, and run through the Cecilia Forest and Kirstenbosch to Top Tap for the 3rd Coke stop.
Then home either (1) along Klaasens Road to Wynberg Park, the Military Hospital (4th coke stop) and down Wynberg Hill past Victoria Hospital and home (16 kms), or (2) back along the little green belt and along the Pickard's Tap Green Belt, back onto the Alphen Trail and home (14 kms), or (3) back along Brommersvlei and home (14 kms).
Thanks to Brenda Payne and Solly Prinsloo who will be doing coke truck.
Best wishes
Ali & Pete
Monday, March 29, 2010
Easter Monday, 05 April 2010 - Green Belts (16 kms)
Posted by
Sunday Stars
4:15 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sunday, 28 March 2010 - Two Oceans Practice Run (18 kms)
This Sunday we will be doing our Two Oceans Half Marathon Practice Run which leaves VOB at 07h00.
We go out the main gate and turn up Constantia Main Road and then left into Spaanschemat and left again into Doordrift which we follow all the way down to Gabriel Road in Plumstead. We turn left into Gabriel and follow it along to the Alphen Business Park for the first coke stop.
From there, we pick up the Half Marathon route following Constantia Main Road to Parish, (we don't do the little Spaanschemat loop) right into Parish (2nd coke stop half way along Parish) before turning left into Southern Cross Drive.
All the way up Southern Cross Drive (3rd coke stop almost at the top) before crossing Rhodes Drive into Cecilia Forrest (we don't go along Rhodes Drive today - too many of us) and in small groups go through Cecilia Forrest to Top Tap (4th coke stop).
From Top Tap you can continue along Klaasens through Wynberg Park to the Military Hospital (5th coke stop), or you can go home through the green belts or along one of the roads.
From the Military Hospital it's along to Constantia Main Road and back to the start at VOB.
Thanks to Jenny Bradshaw who will be helping me with Coke Truck, and to Dick and Jean Bradshaw who will be marshaling on Southern Cross.
Best wishes.
Ali & Pete
Posted by
Sunday Stars
7:05 AM
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, 21 March - Hout Bay (18 kms)
This Sunday, 21 March, we will be leaving the Chapman's Peak car park at 7.00 am direction to be decided on the day.
We have two routes we may run.
The first is up Chapman's Peak Drive to the observation point, back down to the service station just past where we started, up the Main Road to the second circle (near the police station) left to Victoria Mall, down into the village, down to the harbour and around the bottom of it, back to Mariner's Warf and then back to the start. (18 kms).
The second route is up the Main Road to the police station, left to Victoria Mall, then all the way up Suikerbossie to Ryuterplaats, through Ryuterplaats and down Valley Road to Victoria Road again, then down through the village, around the harbour back to Mariner's Warf and the back to the start (20 kms almost!).
Thanks to Richard Acheson who will be doing coke truck for us.
Best wishes.
Ali & Pete
Posted by
Sunday Stars
8:39 AM
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sunday, 14 March 2010, Tokai (15 kms)
This week end is Argus Cycle Tour week end, so we will be running from Tokai.
We start from the service station in Tokai Road, and go up towards the Manor House before turning right and going to the stone church for the first coke stop.
Then we follow Spaanscemat River Road until we turn left into Nova Constantia Road and then right into Klein Constantia Road before turn left into Pagasvlei and running up the hill to the second coke stop at the top.
From there we follow Pagasvlei until we turn right into Constantia Main Road (on the cycle path, please)and turn right into Ladies Mile Road. A nice long straight will take us down the the M3 bridge (stop and watch the cyclists) and then down to Meadowridge Circle where will will find the third coke stop on the Firgrove service road.
Then it's down Firgrove, across the M3 again (more cyclists), and back into Spaanscemat River Road, and back to the start.
Sometimes we reverse the route, and run it the other way around. Decision on the day!
Thanks to Brenda Parker who is doing her second coke truck of the year.
Best wishes.
Ali & Pete
Posted by
Sunday Stars
7:44 AM
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday, 07 March 2010 - Zoo Parking (14 kms)
This Sunday, 07 March 2010, we will be running from the old Zoo Parking in Rondebosch, leaving at 7.00 am.
The route takes us back along the footpath beside the M3 (not on the road, please) and down to Boshof Ave for our first coke stop.
From there its a long haul up Rhodes Drive to Top Tap for the second coke stop, before following Klaassens Road (the views!) across the M3 footbridge for the 3rd coke stop.
After that, its down past Wynberg Boys High, left into Alexandra and back onto Tennant until it becomes Newlands Road, across Bowwood to Grove for the 4th coke stop, and then home past Paradise Motors and back to the Zoo.
Thanks to Hillary & George Colley who will be doing Coke Truck again!
Best wishes.
Ali & Pete
Posted by
Sunday Stars
8:02 AM