This Sunday the run is the Chairman's Run to Signal Hill.
The longer version starts at VOB at 6.30, but most Sunday Stars will run from the Zoo Parking leaving as usual at 7.00 am.
The run goes up to Rhodes Mem, and then up the mountain to the contour path beneath the blockhouse.
It then goes to the end of Tafleberg Road, past the lower cable station, across Kloof Nek and up to Signal Hill.
From VOB, approx 24 kms, from the Zoo approx 14 kms.
Please feel free to bring a picnic or some refreshments for the end of the run at Signal Hill, and please make sure to arrange some transport from Signal Hill back to where you started!
Finally, very many thanks indeed to Dave Thomas who has run this blog since he started it two years ago. Dave has moved on to other things, but we owe him a huge debt of gratitude for all his work on the blog.
Best wishes
Pete & Ali.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday 03 January 2010
Posted by
Sunday Stars
9:05 PM
Sunday, December 20, 2009
27th December, 2009 - VOB Club House (15kms)
We are also looking for Coke Truck drivers for this Sunday which is from the club. Please email me if you can help.
We leave VOB clubhouse at 7.00 am, go down through the main gate, and then down to the green belt (Alphen Trail) and follow it all the way up to where it crosses Brommersvlei, which is the first coke stop.
In good weather we then run up the second green belt (Diep River trail)until it comes out on Southern Cross Drive, which is the second coke stop. In wet weather we ignore the start of the 2nd green belt, run back along Brommersvlei for 100 metres and then turn right into Klassenbosch Drive and climb all the way to the top and take the gravel path around the top to join the green belt just before it crosses the two tar roads (the first is Bel Ombre, the second is Monterey) and leads up to Southern Cross Drive.
At the top of Southern Cross we cross Rhodes Drive, team up with a couple of other runners, and run in small groups through Cecilia Forest to Kirstenbosch Top Tap (the Rycroft Gate), which is where the 3rd coke stop will be. From there we have choices. You can either come back along the Green Belts, or along Brommersvlei, or you can go along Klassens Road, through Wynberg Park to the entrance to 3 Military Hospital, which is the 4th coke stop. From there it's back to VOB. Total distance on the full route is about 15 kms.
For those that don't know, VOB Running Clubs entrance is located at the intersection of Constantia Rd and Brommersvlei Rd. The running club and False Bay Rugby Club are located at the same address. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.019797, 18.447504 for the rest of you, here is a map
We meet at the B mark on the map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
12:09 PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
20th December, 2009 - Muizenberg (17kms)
I am going to be moving on at the end of the year, so we are looking for some nice person to take over the blog for next year. Please can you contact me if you can devote a couple of minutes a week to update the Sunday Stars Blog.
We are also looking for Coke Truck drivers for this Sunday and next Sunday, which is from the club. Please email me if you can help.
7:00am start from Muizenberg Pavillon. The run takes us through to Glencairn, with coke stops in St James, Fish Hoek Beach and then Glencairn.
For a shorter run, some people turn back at Fish Hoek giving you a very respectable 12km. The run follows the path along the coast from Muizenberg through to St James, where we join the road for the final trek into Fish Hoek. Again from Fish Hoek beach we follow the scenic path along the beach front and then over the bridge where we meet the main road that leads us into Glencairn. From here we return along the same route back to Muizenberg.
For those that don't know where the Muizenberg Pavilion is, it is located at the intersection of Atlantic Rd and Beach Rd, Muizenberg. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.107095, 18.471515 for the rest of you, here is a map,
We meet at the "B" icon.
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Posted by
Lekker Run
1:16 PM
Monday, December 7, 2009
13th December, 2009 - Waterfront (18kms)
Wanting to do a bit extra to get fit, for Oceans or even Comrades? Why not join Thomas's email list for any up and coming runs :) See the Running Stuff section down the side for details :)
The Run this week....
We meet this week at the Waterfront at 7:00. Our usual meeting spot has been turned into paid parking so we suggest you park on the road above.
Starting from the gravel car park (see below for directions), the Waterfront Run takes you along the coast to Camps Bay, with stops at Moullie Point, President's Beach, and Camps Bay High School. It then climbs up the high road, giving you superb views of the coast before dropping down again at Sea Point Pavilion, and returning along the coast road to the Waterfront. A very pleasant out and back 18 kms, with turn back points at 6 and 12 kms for those taking it easy.
For those that don't know, we normally meet in the gravel car park next to the circle where Granger Street and Granger Bay meet. Apparently this is being turned into paid parking. We might therefore meet & park at the intersection of Beach Road and Granger Street. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -33.902985, 18.416884 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
1:16 PM
Monday, November 30, 2009
6th December, 2009 - Tokai (16kms)
Wanting to do a bit extra to get fit, for Oceans or even Comrades? Why not join Thomas's email list for any up and coming runs :) See the Running Stuff section down the side for details :)
Run this week
We meet this week at the Spar in Tokai at 7:00am (see below for directions). The run takes us up towards the to Arboretum turning right at the Manor House and then through the Chrysalis Academy to the Stone Church for the 1st coke stop.
Left onto Spaanschemat turning left again after the grape store and following the road all the way around to Paddavlei (2nd coke stop) leading to Constantia Road and turning right at Parish into Ladie Mile Extention. The short cut is straight up Spaanschemat joining the Stars on Ladies Mile.
All the way to the circle in Ladies Mile turning right into Firgrove
and the 3rd coke stop. The route then goes back onto Spaanschemat, right at the Stone Church and back tracks to the Manor House where we turn left and back
down to the start.
Profile of the Route
For those that don't know, where the Tokai Spar we are referring to is, it is located at the intersection of Delmore Rd and Tokai Rd, Tokai (B is the exact spot on the map). For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.062053, 18.435241 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
11:10 AM
Monday, November 23, 2009
29th November, 2009 - Zoo Parking (13kms)
This week it is from the Zoo Parking at 7:00, and it's the conventional Zoo Parking run up Boshoff Ave to Top Tap, then along the ridge past Chiavelli's old place, over the M3 footbridge, and down to Wynberg School before coming back along Tennant, past Paradise Motors, and back to the Zoo Parking.
It's about 13 kms, but is a "quality run" with plenty of hills, and its magically scenic.
For those that don't know, Zoo Parking is located at the intersection of Residence Road and the road up to Rhodes Memorial (Groote Schuur Estate). For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -33.963499, 18.459172 for the rest of you, here is a map
We meet at the "B" symbol.
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Posted by
Lekker Run
1:07 PM
Thursday, November 19, 2009
22nd November 2009 - Muizenberg (17kms)
No this isn't an April Fool, we are indeed running from Muizenberg again this week. I believe we did a different route last week, so this week should be down the main road to Glencarin. Look out for whales, they are about if you look closely :)
7:00am start from Muizenberg Pavillon. The run takes us through to Glencairn, with coke stops in St James, Fish Hoek Beach and then Glencairn.
For a shorter run, some people turn back at Fish Hoek giving you a very respectable 12km. The run follows the path along the coast from Muizenberg through to St James, where we join the road for the final trek into Fish Hoek. Again from Fish Hoek beach we follow the scenic path along the beach front and then over the bridge where we meet the main road that leads us into Glencairn. From here we return along the same route back to Muizenberg.
For those that don't know where the Muizenberg Pavilion is, it is located at the intersection of Atlantic Rd and Beach Rd, Muizenberg. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.107095, 18.471515 for the rest of you, here is a map,
We meet at the "B" icon.
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Posted by
Lekker Run
7:19 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
15th November, 2009 - Muizenberg - (17kms)
7:00am start from Muizenberg Pavillon. The run takes us through to Glencairn, with coke stops in St James, Fish Hoek Beach and then Glencairn.
For a shorter run, some people turn back at Fish Hoek giving you a very respectable 12km. The run follows the path along the coast from Muizenberg through to St James, where we join the road for the final trek into Fish Hoek. Again from Fish Hoek beach we follow the scenic path along the beach front and then over the bridge where we meet the main road that leads us into Glencairn. From here we return along the same route back to Muizenberg.
For those that don't know where the Muizenberg Pavilion is, it is located at the intersection of Atlantic Rd and Beach Rd, Muizenberg. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.107095, 18.471515 for the rest of you, here is a map,
We meet at the "B" icon.
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Posted by
Lekker Run
7:56 AM
Monday, November 2, 2009
8th November, Hout Bay (20kms)
Do you have a morning running group that fellow stars can join. Are you looking to join such a group? See the info below on the right!
Don't forget if you need motivation, just look at the bottom of the Blog
The Run this week....
Meeting at 7:00 at the base of Chapman's Peak in the car park (see below for directions)
This is one of our longest runs but a scenic one and thankfully there are a number of short cut opportunities :) We start by running up to the top of Chapman's Peak. The first coke stop is at the Lookout point. From here we head back down and the second coke stop is at the car park where we started.
The route now goes right through to the circle next to Imizamo Yethu, here we turn right up Victoria Avenue and the third coke stop at the intersection with Empire (for a shorter route you can go down Empire). The route follows Victoria Avenue down though past the Spar and towards the beach and right to the end of the harbour before doubling back inside the harbour for the 4th coke stop outside Mariners Wharf. We now follow the road back along Princess Street until the circle where we turn back into main street. For those doing the full route, you turn into Promenade just after the Caltex garage, heading down to the beach and then back along beach road to the parking lot.
For those that don't know, the Chapman's Peak car park is located at the intersection of Beach Crescent and Main Road, Hout Bay. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.046453, 18.361620 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
3:20 PM
Monday, October 26, 2009
1st November, 2009 - Kloof Neck
Don't forget we are now meeting at 7am.
The run this week is from the Kloof Neck car park.
For directions (B - is where we meet)
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Posted by
Lekker Run
6:50 AM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
There is no run (this is the only time that Stars don't run) this week as the Stars do a water table for the VOB Grape Run. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help. For those of you that help, there is a marshals run on the day before (this Saturday.
Posted by
Lekker Run
8:32 AM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
18th October, 2009 - Tokai (16kms) 7AM START!
We meet this week at the Spar in Tokai at 7:00am (see below for directions). The run takes us up towards the to Arboretum turning right at the Manor House and then through the Chrysalis Academy to the Stone Church for the 1st coke stop.
Left onto Spaanschemat turning left again after the grape store and following the road all the way around to Paddavlei (2nd coke stop) leading to Constantia Road and turning right at Parish into Ladie Mile Extention. The short cut is straight up Spaanschemat joining the Stars on Ladies Mile.
All the way to the circle in Ladies Mile turning right into Firgrove
and the 3rd coke stop. The route then goes back onto Spaanschemat, right at the Stone Church and back tracks to the Manor House where we turn left and back
down to the start.
Profile of the Route
For those that don't know, where the Tokai Spar we are referring to is, it is located at the intersection of Delmore Rd and Tokai Rd, Tokai (B is the exact spot on the map). For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.062053, 18.435241 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
9:44 AM
Monday, October 5, 2009
11th October, 2009 - Muizenberg (17kms) - 7am START
We change to the earlier start time of 7am this week.
Ali will be collecting the money for the year-end function tickets on Sunday. Please could you make sure you bring your money along this Sunday.
The run this week.......
7:00am start from Muizenberg Pavillon. The run takes us through to Glencairn, with coke stops in St James, Fish Hoek Beach and then Glencairn.
For a shorter run, some people turn back at Fish Hoek giving you a very respectable 12km. The run follows the path along the coast from Muizenberg through to St James, where we join the road for the final trek into Fish Hoek. Again from Fish Hoek beach we follow the scenic path along the beach front and then over the bridge where we meet the main road that leads us into Glencairn. From here we return along the same route back to Muizenberg.
For those that don't know where the Muizenberg Pavilion is, it is located at the intersection of Atlantic Rd and Beach Rd, Muizenberg. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.107095, 18.471515 for the rest of you, here is a map,
We meet at the "B" icon.
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Posted by
Lekker Run
9:43 AM
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
4th October, 2009 - (15kms)
We leave VOB clubhouse at 7.30 am, go down through the main gate, and then down to the green belt (Alphen Trail) and follow it all the way up to where it crosses Brommersvlei, which is the first coke stop.
In good weather we then run up the second green belt (Diep River trail)until it comes out on Southern Cross Drive, which is the second coke stop. In wet weather we ignore the start of the 2nd green belt, run back along Brommersvlei for 100 metres and then turn right into Klassenbosch Drive and climb all the way to the top and take the gravel path around the top to join the green belt just before it crosses the two tar roads (the first is Bel Ombre, the second is Monterey) and leads up to Southern Cross Drive.
At the top of Southern Cross we cross Rhodes Drive, team up with a couple of other runners, and run in small groups through Cecelia Forest to Kirstenbosch Top Tap (the Rycroft Gate), which is where the 3rd coke stop will be. From there we have choices. You can either come back along the Green Belts, or along Brommersvlei, or you can go along Klassens Road, through Wynberg Park to the entrance to 3 Military Hospital, which is the 4th coke stop. From there it's back to VOB. Total distance on the full route is about 15 kms.
For those that don't know, VOB Running Clubs entrance is located at the intersection of Constantia Rd and Brommersvlei Rd. The running club and False Bay Rugby Club are located at the same address. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.019797, 18.447504 for the rest of you, here is a map
We meet at the B mark on the map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
7:18 AM
Monday, September 21, 2009
27th Spetember, 2009 - Tokai (16kms)
We would like to wish some of our Stars who are doing Cape Town Marathon a good run!
This weeks run....
We meet this week at the Spar in Tokai at 7:30am (see below for directions). The run takes us up towards the to Arboretum turning right at the Manor House and then through the Chrysalis Academy to the Stone Church for the 1st coke stop.
Left onto Spaanschemat turning left again after the grape store and following the road all the way around to Paddavlei (2nd coke stop) leading to Constantia Road and turning right at Parish into Ladie Mile Extention. The short cut is straight up Spaanschemat joining the Stars on Ladies Mile.
All the way to the circle in Ladies Mile turning right into Firgrove
and the 3rd coke stop. The route then goes back onto Spaanschemat, right at the Stone Church and back tracks to the Manor House where we turn left and back
down to the start.
Profile of the Route
For those that don't know, where the Tokai Spar we are referring to is, it is located at the intersection of Delmore Rd and Tokai Rd, Tokai (B is the exact spot on the map). For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.062053, 18.435241 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
7:33 AM
Monday, September 14, 2009
20th September, 2009 - Waterfront (18kms)
We meet this week at the Waterfront at 7:30. Our usual meeting spot has been turned into paid parking so we suggest you park on the road above.
Starting from the gravel car park (see below for directions), the Waterfront Run takes you along the coast to Camps Bay, with stops at Moullie Point, President's Beach, and Camps Bay High School. It then climbs up the high road, giving you superb views of the coast before dropping down again at Sea Point Pavilion, and returning along the coast road to the Waterfront. A very pleasant out and back 18 kms, with turn back points at 6 and 12 kms for those taking it easy.
For those that don't know, we normally meet in the gravel car park next to the circle where Granger Street and Granger Bay meet. Apparently this is being turned into paid parking. We might therefore meet & park at the intersection of Beach Road and Granger Street. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -33.902985, 18.416884 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
7:31 AM
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
13th September, 2009 - Zoo Parking (13kms)
This week it is from the Zoo Parking at 7:30, and it's the conventional Zoo Parking run up Boshoff Ave to Top Tap, then along the ridge past Chiavelli's old place, over the M3 footbridge, and down to Wynberg School before coming back along Tennant, past Paradise Motors, and back to the Zoo Parking.
It's about 13 kms, but is a "quality run" with plenty of hills, and its magically scenic.
For those that don't know, Zoo Parking is located at the intersection of Residence Road and the road up to Rhodes Memorial (Groote Schuur Estate). For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -33.963499, 18.459172 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
7:20 AM
Monday, August 31, 2009
6th September, 2009 - Hout Bay (20kms)
Do you have a morning running group that fellow stars can join. Are you looking to join such a group? See the info below on the right!
Don't forget if you need motivation, just look at the bottom of the Blog
The Run this week....
Meeting at 7:30 at the base of Chapman's Peak in the car park (see below for directions)
This is one of our longest runs but a scenic one and thankfully there are a number of short cut opportunities :) We start by running up to the top of Chapman's Peak. The first coke stop is at the Lookout point. From here we head back down and the second coke stop is at the car park where we started.
The route now goes right through to the circle next to Imizamo Yethu, here we turn right up Victoria Avenue and the third coke stop at the intersection with Empire (for a shorter route you can go down Empire). The route follows Victoria Avenue down though past the Spar and towards the beach and right to the end of the harbour before doubling back inside the harbour for the 4th coke stop outside Mariners Wharf. We now follow the road back along Princess Street until the circle where we turn back into main street. For those doing the full route, you turn into Promenade just after the Caltex garage, heading down to the beach and then back along beach road to the parking lot.
For those that don't know, the Chapman's Peak car park is located at the intersection of Beach Crescent and Main Road, Hout Bay. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.046453, 18.361620 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
5:16 PM
Monday, August 24, 2009
30th August, 2009 - Tokai (16kms)
We meet at the Spar in Tokai at 7:30am (see below for directions). The run takes us up towards the to Arboretum turning right at the Manor House and then through the Chrysalis Academy to the Stone Church for the 1st coke stop.
Left onto Spaanschemat turning left again after the grape store and following the road all the way around to Paddavlei (2nd coke stop) leading to Constantia Road and turning right at Parish into Ladie Mile Extention. The short cut is straight up Spaanschemat joining the Stars on Ladies Mile.
All the way to the circle in Ladies Mile turning right into Firgrove
and the 3rd coke stop. The route then goes back onto Spaanschemat, right at the Stone Church and back tracks to the Manor House where we turn left and back
down to the start.
Profile of the Route
For those that don't know, where the Tokai Spar we are referring to is, it is located at the intersection of Delmore Rd and Tokai Rd, Tokai. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.062053, 18.435241 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
8:39 AM
Monday, August 17, 2009
23rd August, 2009 - Fish Hoek (18kms)
The run starts at 7:30am from Fish Hoek in the main beach car park. The run goes through to Simonstown Golf course and back. As this is an out and back course, you can make it as long or as short as you like. In fact some keen runners training for a marathon have been know to even ventured a bit further than the normal turnaround at the golf course. As always there are coke stops every 3kms of the route. There is a little bit of undulating, particularly the climb into Simonstown and then back out the other side to the golf course.
For those that don't know, the main beach car park car park is located off Beach Road. You need to cross the railway in the direction of the sea. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.140308, 18.432107 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
4:45 PM
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
16th August, 2009 - Hout bay (20kms)
Do you have a morning running group that fellow stars can join. Are you looking to join such a group? See the info below on the right!
Don't forget if you need motivation, just look at the bottom of the Blog
The Run this week....
Meeting at 7:30 at the base of Chapman's Peak in the car park (see below for directions)
This is one of our longest runs but a scenic one and thankfully there are a number of short cut opportunities :) We start by running up to the top of Chapman's Peak. The first coke stop is at the Lookout point. From here we head back down and the second coke stop is at the car park where we started.
The route now goes right through to the circle next to Imizamo Yethu, here we turn right up Victoria Avenue and the third coke stop at the intersection with Empire (for a shorter route you can go down Empire). The route follows Victoria Avenue down though past the Spar and towards the beach and right to the end of the harbour before doubling back inside the harbour for the 4th coke stop outside Mariners Wharf. We now follow the road back along Princess Street until the circle where we turn back into main street. For those doing the full route, you turn into Promenade just after the Caltex garage, heading down to the beach and then back along beach road to the parking lot.
For those that don't know, the Chapman's Peak car park is located at the intersection of Beach Crescent and Main Road, Hout Bay. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.046453, 18.361620 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
10:03 AM
Monday, August 3, 2009
9th August, 2009 - Muizenberg (17kms)
7:30am start from Muizenberg Pavillon. The run takes us through to Glencairn, with coke stops in St James, Fish Hoek Beach and then Glencairn.
For a shorter run, some people turn back at Fish Hoek giving you a very respectable 12km. The run follows the path along the coast from Muizenberg through to St James, where we join the road for the final trek into Fish Hoek. Again from Fish Hoek beach we follow the scenic path along the beach front and then over the bridge where we meet the main road that leads us into Glencairn. From here we return along the same route back to Muizenberg.
For those that don't know where the Muizenberg Pavilion is, it is located at the intersection of Atlantic Rd and Beach Rd, Muizenberg. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.107095, 18.471515 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
2:15 PM
Monday, July 27, 2009
2nd August, 2009 - Zoo Parking (13kms)
This week it is from the Zoo Parking at 7:30, and it's the conventional Zoo Parking run up Boshoff Ave to Top Tap, then along the ridge past Chiavelli's old place, over the M3 footbridge, and down to Wynberg School before coming back along Tennant, past Paradise Motors, and back to the Zoo Parking.
It's about 13 kms, but is a "quality run" with plenty of hills, and its magically scenic.
For those that don't know, Zoo Parking is located at the intersection of Residence Road and the road up to Rhodes Memorial (Groote Schuur Estate). For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -33.963499, 18.459172 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
8:51 AM
Monday, July 20, 2009
25th July, 2009 - Tokai (15kms)
We meet at the Spar in Tokai at 7:30am (see below for directions). The run takes us up towards the to Arboretum turning right at the Manor House and then through the Chrysalis Academy to the Stone Church for the 1st coke stop.
Left onto Spaanschemat turning left again after the grape store and following the road all the way around to Paddavlei (2nd coke stop) leading to Constantia Road and turning right at Parish into Ladie Mile Extention. The short cut is straight up Spaanschemat joining the Stars on Ladies Mile.
All the way to the circle in Ladies Mile turning right into Firgrove
and the 3rd coke stop. The route then goes back onto Spaanschemat, right at the Stone Church and back tracks to the Manor House where we turn left and back
down to the start.
Profile of the Route
For those that don't know, where the Tokai Spar we are referring to is, it is located at the intersection of Delmore Rd and Tokai Rd, Tokai. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.062053, 18.435241 for the rest of you, here is a map
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Posted by
Lekker Run
9:18 AM
Monday, July 13, 2009
19th July, 2009 - VOB Running Club (15kms)
Hey Guys, check out the new "Running Stuff" & "Running Groups" section on the bottom right of the Blog. There are close to 80 people that view this Blog every week, so I thought it would be great way to help each other out :)
This weeks run.....
We leave VOB clubhouse at 7.30 am, go down through the main gate, and then down to the green belt (Alphen Trail) and follow it all the way up to where it crosses Brommersvlei, which is the first coke stop.
In good weather we then run up the second green belt (Diep River trail)until it comes out on Southern Cross Drive, which is the second coke stop. In wet weather we ignore the start of the 2nd green belt, run back along Brommersvlei for 100 metres and then turn right into Klassenbosch Drive and climb all the way to the top and take the gravel path around the top to join the green belt just before it crosses the two tar roads (the first is Bel Ombre, the second is Monterey) and leads up to Southern Cross Drive.
At the top of Southern Cross we cross Rhodes Drive, team up with a couple of other runners, and run in small groups through Cecelia Forest to Kirstenbosch Top Tap (the Rycroft Gate), which is where the 3rd coke stop will be. From there we have choices. You can either come back along the Green Belts, or along Brommersvlei, or you can go along Klassens Road, through Wynberg Park to the entrance to 3 Military Hospital, which is the 4th coke stop. From there it's back to VOB. Total distance on the full route is about 15 kms.
For those that don't know, VOB Running Clubs entrance is located at the intersection of Constantia Rd and Brommersvlei Rd. The running club and False Bay Rugby Club are located at the same address. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.019797, 18.447504 for the rest of you, here is a map
Posted by
Lekker Run
8:49 AM
Sunday, July 5, 2009
12th July, 2009 - Zoo Parking (13kms)
Hey Guys, check out the new "Running Stuff" & "Running Groups" section on the bottom right of the Blog. There are close to 80 people that view this Blog every week, so I thought it would be great way to help each other out :) Do you need a lift to Knysna, an entry, can you offer a lift. Do you have accommodation in Knysna you can't use? For those of you running Knysna GOOD LUCK!!!!
Do you have a morning running group that fellow stars can join. Are you looking to join such a group?
Don't forget if you need motivation, just look at the bottom of the Blog
The Run this week...
This week it is from the Zoo Parking at 7:30, and it's the conventional Zoo Parking run up Boshoff Ave to Top Tap, then along the ridge past Chiavelli's old place, over the M3 footbridge, and down to Wynberg School before coming back along Tennant, past Paradise Motors, and back to the Zoo Parking.
It's about 13 kms, but is a "quality run" with plenty of hills, and its magically scenic.
For those that don't know, Zoo Parking is located at the intersection of Residence Road and the road up to Rhodes Memorial (Groote Schuur Estate). For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -33.963499, 18.459172 for the rest of you, here is a map
Posted by
Lekker Run
12:29 PM
Sunday, June 28, 2009
4th July, 2009 - Hout Bay (20kms)
Hey Guys, check out the new "Running Stuff" & "Running Groups" section on the bottom right of the Blog. There are close to 80 people that view this Blog every week, so I thought it would be great way to help each other out :) Do you need a lift to Knysna, an entry, can you offer a lift. Do you have accommodation in Knysna you can't use?
Do you have a morning running group that fellow stars can join. Are you looking to join such a group?
Don't forget if you need motivation, just look at the bottom of the Blog
The Run this week....
Meeting at 7:30 at the base of Chapman's Peak in the car park (see below for directions)
This is one of our longest runs but a scenic one and thankfully there are a number of short cut opportunities :) We start by running up to the top of Chapman's Peak. The first coke stop is at the Lookout point. From here we head back down and the second coke stop is at the car park where we started.
The route now goes right through to the circle next to Imizamo Yethu, here we turn right up Victoria Avenue and the third coke stop at the intersection with Empire (for a shorter route you can go down Empire). The route follows Victoria Avenue down though past the Spar and towards the beach and right to the end of the harbour before doubling back inside the harbour for the 4th coke stop outside Mariners Wharf. We now follow the road back along Princess Street until the circle where we turn back into main street. For those doing the full route, you turn into Promenade just after the Caltex garage, heading down to the beach and then back along beach road to the parking lot.
For those that don't know, the Chapman's Peak car park is located at the intersection of Beach Crescent and Main Road, Hout Bay. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.046453, 18.361620 for the rest of you, here is a map
Posted by
Lekker Run
5:16 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
28th June, 2009 - Muizenberg (15kms)
We meet at 7:30 in Muizenberg again this week. This week we run slightly shortly but it is a challenging run. We run from Muizenberg to Lakeside along the main road and then take the turning up to Boys Drive. We follow Boys Drive all along to Kalk Bay, it is important to stick together as it can be quite remote in spots.
When we reach Kalk Bay we then follow the main road back towards Muizenberg. From St James we follow the path along the sea front back to the Pavilion.
For those that don't know where the Muizenberg Pavilion is, it is located at the intersection of Atlantic Rd and Beach Rd, Muizenberg. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.107095, 18.471515 for the rest of you, here is a map
Posted by
Lekker Run
8:44 AM
Monday, June 15, 2009
21st June, 2009 - Muizenberg (17kms)
We start at 7:30am from Muizenberg Pavilion (see below for directions). The run takes us through to Glencairn, with coke stops in St James, Fish Hoek beach and then Glencairn.
For a shorter run, some people turn back at Fish Hoek giving you a very respectable 12km. The run follows the path along the coast from Muizenberg through to St James, where we join the road for the final trek into Fish Hoek. Again from Fish Hoek beach we follow the scenic path along the beach front and then over the bridge where we meet the main road that leads us into Glencairn. From here we follow the route back to Muizenberg, stopping in Fish Hoek & St James again for coke.
For those that don't know where the Muizenberg Pavilion is, it is located at the intersection of Atlantic Rd and Beach Rd, Muizenberg. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.107095, 18.471515 for the rest of you, here is a map
Posted by
Lekker Run
8:30 AM
Sunday, June 7, 2009
14th June, 2009 - Tokai (16kms)
Pictures from todays run (7th June)- It seems as though Happy People run Sunday Stars :)
We meet at the Spar in Tokai at 7:30am (see below for directions). The run takes us up towards the to Arboretum turning right at the Manor House and then through the Chrysalis Academy to the Stone Church for the 1st coke stop.
Left onto Spaanschemat turning left again after the grape store and following the road all the way around to Paddavlei (2nd coke stop) leading to Constantia Road and turning right at Parish into Ladie Mile Extention. The short cut is straight up Spaanschemat joining the Stars on Ladies Mile.
All the way to the circle in Ladies Mile turning right into Firgrove
and the 3rd coke stop. The route then goes back onto Spaanschemat, right at the Stone Church and back tracks to the Manor House where we turn left and back
down to the start.
Profile of the Route
For those that don't know, where the Tokai Spar we are referring to is, it is located at the intersection of Delmore Rd and Tokai Rd, Tokai. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -34.062053, 18.435241 for the rest of you, here is a map
Posted by
Lekker Run
2:57 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
7th June, 2009 - Waterfront (18km)
We meet this week at the Waterfront at 7:30. Apparently our usual meeting spot has been turned into paid parking so we suggest you park on the road above. Thanks to Bobby for doing the Coke Truck.
Starting from the gravel car park (see below for directions), the Waterfront Run takes you along the coast to Camps Bay, with stops at Moullie Point, President's Beach, and Camps Bay High School. It then climbs up the high road, giving you superb views of the coast before dropping down again at Sea Point Pavilion, and returning along the coast road to the Waterfront. A very pleasant out and back 18 kms, with turn back points at 6 and 12 kms for those taking it easy.
Click the image to see a bigger picture, although it looks quite a frightening profile, it isn't really that bad. The hill is just under 2kms long.
For those that don't know, we normally meet in the gravel car park next to the circle where Granger Street and Granger Bay meet. Apparently this is being turned into paid parking. We might therefore meet & park at the intersection of Beach Road and Granger Street. For those lucky to have got a GPS for Christmas, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day, Birthdays etc - this is for you -33.902985, 18.416884 for the rest of you, here is a map
Posted by
Lekker Run
9:20 AM
Sunday, May 24, 2009
31st May, 2009 - Hout Bay (19kms)
This week we meet at the bottom of Chapmans peak at 7:30.
Posted by
Lekker Run
11:05 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
24th May, 2009 ~ Muizenberg (17kms)
This week we will run from Muizenberg, we meet at 7:30am
Posted by
Lekker Run
11:12 AM
Monday, May 11, 2009
17th May, 2009 - Zoo Parking (13kms)
This week it is from the Zoo Parking at 7:30, and it's the conventional Zoo Parking run up Boshoff Ave to Top Tap, then along the ridge past Chiavelli's old place, over the M3 footbridge, and down to Wynberg School before coming back along Tennant, past Paradise Motors, and back to the Zoo Parking.
It's about 13 kms, but is a "quality run" with plenty of hills, and its magically scenic.
Posted by
Lekker Run
9:07 PM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
10th May, 2009 - Muizenberg (17kms)
7:30am start from Muizenberg Pavillon. The run takes us through to Glencairn, with coke stops in St James, Fish Hoek Beach and then Glencairn.
For a shorter run, some people turn back at Fish Hoek giving you a very respectable 12km. The run follows the path along the coast from Muizenberg through to St James, where we join the road for the final trek into Fish Hoek. Again from Fish Hoek beach we follow the scenic path along the beach front and then over the bridge where we meet the main road that leads us into Glencairn. From here we follow the route back to Muizenberg, stopping in Fish Hoek & St James again for coke.
Posted by
Lekker Run
7:40 PM
Thursday, April 30, 2009
3rd May, 2009 - Tokai (16km)
We meet at the Spar in Tokai at 7:30am. The run takes us up towards the to Arboretum turning right at the Manor House and then through the Chrysalis Academy to
the Stone Church for the 1st coke stop.
Left onto Spaanschemat turning left again after the grape store and following the road all the way around to Paddavlei (2nd coke stop) leading to Constantia
Road and turning right at Parish into Ladie Mile Extention. The short cut is straight up Spaanschemat joining the Stars on Ladies Mile.
All the way to the circle in Ladies Mile turning right into Firgrove
and the 3rd coke stop. The route then goes back onto Spaanschemat, right at the Stone Church and back tracks to the Manor House where we turn left and back
down to the start.
Posted by
Lekker Run
1:52 PM
Monday, April 20, 2009
26th April, 2009 - Hout Bay (20km)
Meeting at 7:30 at the base of Chapman's Peak
This is one of our longest runs but a scenic one and thankfully there are a number of short cut opportunities :) We start by running up to the top of Chapman's Peak. The first coke stop is at the Lookout point. From here we head back down and the second coke stop is at the car park where we started.
The route now goes right through to the circle next to Imizamo Yethu, here we turn right up Victoria Avenue and the third coke stop at the intersection with Empire (for a shorter route you can go down Empire). The route follows Victoria Avenue down though past the Spar and towards the beach and right to the end of the harbour before doubling back inside the harbour for the 4th coke stop outside Mariners Wharf. We now follow the road back along Princess Street until the circle where we turn back into main street. For those doing the full route, you turn into Promenade just after the Caltex garage, heading down to the beach and then back along beach road to the parking lot.
Posted by
Lekker Run
11:00 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
19th April, 2009 - Zoo Parking (13km)
This week it is from the Zoo Parking at 7:30, and it's the conventional Zoo Parking run up Boshoff Ave to Top Tap, then along the ridge past Chiavelli's old place, over the M3 footbridge, and down to Wynberg School before coming back along Tennant, past Paradise Motors, and back to the Zoo Parking.
It's about 13 kms, but is a "quality run" with plenty of hills, and its magically scenic.
Posted by
Lekker Run
6:09 PM
Monday, April 6, 2009
13th April (Easter Monday), 2009 - VOB Running Club (15kms)
This Monday we leave VOB clubhouse at 7.30 am, go down through the main gate, and then down to the green belt (Alphen Trail) and follow it all the way up to where it crosses Brommersvlei, which is the first coke stop.
In good weather we then run up the second green belt (Diep River trail?) until it comes out on Southern Cross Drive, which is the second coke stop. In wet weather we ignore the start of the 2nd green belt, run back along Brommersvlei for 100 metres and then turn right into Klassenbosch Drive and climb all the way to the top and take the gravel path around the top to join the green belt just before it crosses the two tar roads (the first is Bel Ombre, the second is Monterey) and leads up to Southern Cross Drive.
At the top of Southern Cross we cross Rhodes Drive, team up with a couple of other runners, and run in small groups through Cecelia Forest to Kirstenbosch Top Tap (the Rycroft Gate), which is where the 3rd coke stop will be.
From there we have choices. You can either come back along the Green Belts, or along Brommersvlei, or you can go along Klassens Road, through Wynberg Park to the entrance to 3 Military Hospital, which is the 4th coke stop.
From there it's back to VOB.
Total distance on the full route is about 15 kms.
Please note, we have moved to the winter starting time of 7.30 am!
Many thanks!
Posted by
Lekker Run
10:12 AM
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
5th April, 2009 - VOB Running Club (18kms)
Starting at 7:00am, we run from the VOB Club House this week.
This is our traditional run prior to Two Oceans. This is slightly longer than our normal run from the club. There are of course numerous short cuts to choose from :) May I take this opportunity to wish everybody that is running good luck.
We head up Constantia road and then turn into Doordrift which we follow to the bottom. We turn left into Gabriel road and head back towards the club. This leads us back into Constantia Road which we follow until the intersection with Brommersvlei Road when we turn to the right. This will lead us into Southern Cross Rd which we take to the top. From here we go through Cecilia Forest and follow the old Oceans route before heading back to the club. This is quite a challenging route, but as always there are lots of possible short cuts :)
Posted by
Lekker Run
8:14 AM
Monday, March 23, 2009
29th March, 2009 - Muizenberg (17kms)
7:00am start from Muizenberg Pavillon. The run takes us through to Glencairn, with coke stops in St James, Fish Hoek Beach and then Glencairn.
For a shorter run, some people turn back at Fish Hoek giving you a very respectable 12km. The run follows the path along the coast from Muizenberg through to St James, where we join the road for the final trek into Fish Hoek. Again from Fish Hoek beach we follow the scenic path along the beach front and then over the bridge where we meet the main road that leads us into Glencairn.
Posted by
Lekker Run
7:49 AM
Monday, March 16, 2009
22nd March, 2009 - Waterfront (18kms)
Starting at 07h00 from the gravel car park, the Waterfront Run takes you along the coast to Camps Bay, with stops at Moullie Point, President's Beach, and Camps Bay High School. It then climbs up the high road, giving you superb views of the coast before dropping down again at Sea Point Pavilion, and returning along the coast road to the Waterfront. A very pleasant out and back 18 kms, with turn back points at 6 and 12 kms for those taking it easy.
Click the image to see a bigger picture, although it looks quite a frightening profile, it isn't really that bad. The hill is just under 2kms long.
Posted by
Lekker Run
4:55 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
15th March, 2009 - Hout Bay (20kms)
Meeting at 7:00 at the base of Chapman's Peak
This is one of our longest runs but a scenic one and thankfully there are a number of short cut opportunities :) We start by running up to the top of Chapman's Peak. The first coke stop is at the Lookout point. From here we head back down and the second coke stop is at the car park where we started.
The route now goes right through to the circle next to Imizamo Yethu, here we turn right up Victoria Avenue and the third coke stop at the intersection with Empire (for a shorter route you can go down Empire). The route follows Victoria Avenue down though past the Spar and towards the beach and right to the end of the harbour before doubling back inside the harbour for the 4th coke stop outside Mariners Wharf. We now follow the road back along Princess Street until the circle where we turn back into main street. For those doing the full route, you turn into Promenade just after the Caltex garage, heading down to the beach and then back along beach road to the parking lot.
Posted by
Lekker Run
2:07 PM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
8th March, 2009 - Tokai (16kms)
If you are having trouble getting motivated, I have added a helpful reminder to how many days to Two Oceans, as I know many of you are doing it. If that doesn't help, perhaps the motivational quote at the bottom os the blog might :)
We meet at the Spar in Tokai at 7:00am. The run takes us up towards the to Arboretum turning right at the Manor House and then through the Chrysalis Academy to
the Stone Church for the 1st coke stop.
Left onto Spaanschemat turning left again after the grape store and following the road all the way around to Paddavlei (2nd coke stop) leading to Constantia
Road and turning right at Parish into Ladie Mile Extention. The short cut is straight up Spaanschemat joining the Stars on Ladies Mile.
All the way to the circle in Ladies Mile turning right into Firgrove
and the 3rd coke stop. The route then goes back onto Spaanschemat, right at the Stone Church and back tracks to the Manor House where we turn left and back
down to the start.
Posted by
Lekker Run
10:58 AM
Monday, February 23, 2009
1st March, 2009 - Muizenberg (17kms)
7:00am start from Muizenberg Pavillon. The run takes us through to Glencairn, with coke stops in St James, Fish Hoek Beach and then Glencairn.
For a shorter run, some people turn back at Fish Hoek giving you a very respectable 12km. The run follows the path along the coast from Muizenberg through to St James, where we join the road for the final trek into Fish Hoek. Again from Fish Hoek beach we follow the scenic path along the beach front and then over the bridge where we meet the main road that leads us into Glencairn.
There is often the chance of seeing dolphins along the route, particularly at this time of year.
Posted by
Lekker Run
2:22 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
22nd February, 2009 - Tokai (16kms)
Originally this run was scheduled for Muizenberg but it now has been changed to Tokai.
We meet at the Spar in Tokai at 7:00am. The run takes us up towards the to Arboretum turning right at the Manor House and then through the Chrysalis Academy to
the Stone Church for the 1st coke stop.
Left onto Spaanschemat turning left again after the grape store and following the road all the way around to Paddavlei (2nd coke stop) leading to Constantia
Road and turning right at Parish into Ladie Mile Extention. The short cut is straight up Spaanschemat joining the Stars on Ladies Mile.
All the way to the circle in Ladies Mile turning right into Firgrove
and the 3rd coke stop. The route then goes back onto Spaanschemat, right at the Stone Church and back tracks to the Manor House where we turn left and back
down to the start.
Posted by
Lekker Run
11:09 AM
Sunday, February 8, 2009
15th February, 2009 - Waterfront (18kms)
Starting at 07h00 from the gravel car park, the Waterfront Run takes you along the coast to Camps Bay, with stops at Moullie Point, President's Beach, and Camps Bay High School. It then climbs up the high road, giving you superb views of the coast before dropping down again at Sea Point Pavilion, and returning along the coast road to the Waterfront. A very pleasant out and back 18 kms, with turn back points at 6 and 12 kms for those taking it easy.
Posted by
Lekker Run
4:13 PM
Monday, February 2, 2009
8th February, 2009 - VOB Running Club (14kms)
Starting at 7:00am, we run from the VOB Club House this week.
We head up Constantia road and then turn into Doordrift which we follow to the bottom. We turn left into Gabriel road and head back towards the club. This leads us back into Constantia Road which we follow until the intersection with Brommersvlei Road when we turn to the right. This will lead us into Southern Cross Rd which we take to the top. From here we go through Cecilia Forest and follow the old Oceans route before heading back to the club. This is quite a challenging route, but as always there are lots of possible short cuts :)
Posted by
Lekker Run
10:39 PM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
1st February, 2009 - Hout Bay (20kms)
Meeting at 7:00 at the base of Chapman's Peak
This is one of our longest runs but a scenic one and thankfully there are a number of short cut opportunities :) We start by running up to the top of Chapman's Peak. The first coke stop is at the Lookout point. From here we head back down and the second coke stop is at the car park where we started.
The route now goes right through to the circle next to Imizamo Yethu, here we turn right up Victoria Avenue and the third coke stop at the intersection with Empire (for a shorter route you can go down Empire). The route follows Victoria Avenue down though past the Spar and towards the beach and right to the end of the harbour before doubling back inside the harbour for the 4th coke stop outside Mariners Wharf. We now follow the road back along Princess Street until the circle where we turn back into main street. For those doing the full route, you turn into Promenade just after the Caltex garage, heading down to the beach and then back along beach road to the parking lot.
Posted by
Lekker Run
12:30 PM
Monday, January 19, 2009
25th January, 2009 - Zoo Parking (13kms)
This week it is from the Zoo Parking at 7:00, and it's the conventional Zoo Parking run up Boshoff Ave to Top Tap, then along the ridge past Chiavelli's old place, over the M3 footbridge, and down to Wynberg School before coming back along Tennant, past Paradise Motors, and back to the Zoo Parking.
It's about 13 kms, but is a "quality run" with plenty of hills, and its magically scenic.
Posted by
Lekker Run
9:42 PM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
18th January, 2009 - Muizenberg (17kms)
7:00am start from Muizenberg Pavillon. The run takes us through to Glencairn, with coke stops in St James, Fish Hoek Beach and then Glencairn.
For a shorter run, some people turn back at Fish Hoek giving you a very respectable 12km. The run follows the path along the coast from Muizenberg through to St James, where we join the road for the final trek into Fish Hoek. Again from Fish Hoek beach we follow the scenic path along the beach front and then over the bridge where we meet the main road that leads us into Glencairn.
There is often the chance of seeing whales and dolphins along the route, particularly at this time of year.
Posted by
Lekker Run
4:07 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
11th January, 2009 - VOB Running Club (14kms)
Starting at 7:00am, we run from the VOB Club House this week.
We head up Constantia road and then turn into Doordrift which we follow to the bottom. We turn left into Gabriel road and head back towards the club. This leads us back into Constantia Road which we follow until the intersection with Brommersvlei Road when we turn to the right. This will lead us into Southern Cross Rd which we take to the top. From here we go through Cecilia Forest and follow the old Oceans route before heading back to the club. This is quite a challenging route, but as always there are lots of possible short cuts :)
Thanks to Nicola Jordan for doing the Coke Truck.
Posted by
Lekker Run
1:21 PM